
transcribe transcribe

I record my business letters, and my secretary transcribes them.Sonix transcribes podcasts, interviews, speeches, and much more for creative people worldwide. I also got really specific about the phrasing and how I could transcribe that on to the guitar. will convert audio & video files to text in minutes.I go back, and this time I find my way into nondescript offices below ground where priests are transcribing notes.Secretaries were busy transcribing medical records.The conversation had been transcribed into phonetic script. Get real-time streaming transcripts and, within minutes, rich, searchable notes with text, audio, images, speaker ID, and key phrases.Not that Vea merely transcribed every memory and called it a novel.Fleck has transcribed Bach for the banjo.Tens of thousands of pages of testimony were transcribed at a cost of $ 2.The phone conversations were transcribed and sent to the FBI.5 APM to arrange a piece of music for a different instrument or voice transcribe something for something a piece transcribed for piano 6 TCR COPY technical to copy recorded music, speech etc from one system to another, for example from tape to CD → See Verb table Examples from the Corpus transcribe 3 technical SL to represent speech sounds with phonetic symbols 4 formal SL to change a piece of writing into the alphabet of another language transcribe something into something The book has been transcribed into braille. 2 COPY to write an exact copy of something He had been asked to transcribe an ancient manuscript. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics: Linguistics, Music, Recording transcribe tran‧scribe / trænˈskraɪb / verb 1 WRITE to write down something exactly as it was said A secretary transcribed the witnesses’ statements.
